Why chose Nucleus Vision? Nucleus Vision is an contact less IoT-based,identification system that empowers retailers to identify and better serve their Customers. It based at Harvard University. With the Help of Nucleus we can tell who enter our building, store,office, Hotel, House and so on. Nucleus Vision operates with the patented BASICST2S4 technology and is independent of RFID, Wifi, Bluetooth and face recognition. This is one of the decentralized cryto currency of in the ecosystem, which is used for various transactions through the Nucleus ecosystem. Nucleus Vision is trusted by more then 100 brands like lee, Raymond, Tommy Hilfiger, GAP and many more. This is backed by several company : Tim Draper, Reliance Capital, Indusage Partners and Quad gen. The Nucleus is a platform that can realize an integration between online and offline systems. Orb...
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